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Friday 23 December 2011

Searching for materials (literature review) to develop a good dissertation ..... some useful links.


Today I prefer to search with you for some good inputs , yes! through internet first.I am sure you have visited your library already ;) and using the on-line library facility in your university frequently. 

The links provided here and the topics are selected randomly with special interest to topics like human resource information system, branding , human resource management  and micro-finance industry. Try to include maximum number of journals in your literature...professors are addicted to it !!! . Remember literature from this century only ( heard that recently ?... all-night all-right) , and give special attention to literature generated after 2005, since we are living in 2011...whoa! time is going so fast . 

General links.

Human resource information systems (HRIS).

Let me stop here for now giving you all the links , on request I will try for more. 

Recently I came to know that , some of the universities are demanding 6 chapters for the dissertation ( earlier it was 5) , so please be updated by reading dissertation guidelines you receive from the university. In face this is the most important tool to test the genuineness of your dissertation. I hope you have started with your literature review......let me wait for you and I will give inputs on research methodology .

A very very important tips when doing the literature review.................!!!!

Store your author sources in the MS Word ( Linux.. I don't know) , this is the way you do it .

Step one : Open a word document , save it ;)

Step two: Click home ( I assume you have the latest version)

Step three : Click references.....what do you see ?

Step four: On the third column did you see manage references at the top right hand corner ( I mean right hand ...right...right!!!  :)) ) 

Step five: Click manage resources ....u got a pop up new 

Step 6: O.K. Done choose whether ur using book or a journal , then click ( another very important tip) corporate author , or u cannot place it in the bibliography properly. 

Step seven : Now enter the data as it is given there , and finish it..... u can use this in the later assignments or dissertations too.... this is a professional tip ...FREE...FREE ....FREE .

Step eight: Now once you have ur data entered , it can be used for inserting in your literature....go to the place where u want to enter it then insert citation.... 

Step nine : Do u see a twinkling author name ...check the right hand side u can convert it in to static text and remove the initials...( We Don't Need Initials... HARVARD REFERENCING ) 

Now keep expanding the author list and go ahead with the literature .... keep me posted on ur doubts ... I am here for you mate ........ 

                                                                                              Cheers mate!!!