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Tuesday 20 December 2011

Some reflections .....may be useful !

Friends , I am happy to know that you like this attempt , your feed backs can really improve the content . I am almost done with first chapter . 

A word of caution for UK students trying for PSW . Rush your work and try to submit it as early as possible , the PSW ,with the latest information , ends on March 31 ( you are already aware... I know ... :0 ). Also , recently I heard that  the professors are not suppose to view the final copy... to avoid bias during evaluation...!!  Is it true ? . I think they control us using the form for remarks and feed backs, which in fact can be seen by the evaluator . So try to be good ...punctual ....and avoid being too smart with them. 

A good news to share with you ... Ad-sense accepted my account and you are highly honoured to see a lot of other information in this site ;).Any way at least those guys know that I am spending my valuable time on this one. 

I am planning to make few posts on Harvard referencing soon. So look out for this important lesson. you are literally doing your dissertation just to learn how to reference it!! . 

In fact it is a serious offence in a country like UK , using information from other sources without permission. Many students I know have got terminated due to repeated high level of plagiarism. Also adding to the informations there are confirmed reports about students getting caught for doing their dissertations with professional help. ( I wonder how all those websites offering dissertations for sky high prices survive ...not sure whether it is right!). 

it is easy to do it using MS word and related tools. I will also give you a lot of information soon on making table of contents , bibliography and other automated documentations .  


More about the introduction chapter

Today , I am planning to talk more about the introduction chapter and its related components. 

Organisation profile .

when giving details about the organisation , please be careful not to make it a narration of the history of the organisation. Instead , provide information regarding the attributes of the organisation related to the current phenomenon under study . For example , if the research is about human resource management , provide more details about he existing human resource management model and related future plans, which is usually found in their annual report( So......... find a descent company for research, at least one with an annual report :) ) 

Make it brief , normally an introduction chapter have a word limit of 2000-3000 , for a 20000 word dissertation , so limit the organisation profile to 300-500 . 

you can relate your research and organisation more in the research rationale.

The research rationale.

In this section you have the responsibility to explain the choice of current topic and its significance to the organisation. 

For example ....  

if you have chosen the .......Human resource information system.....then talk about its   operational, managerial and strategic roles and the relevance for the organisation in implementing the system in one of the above three roles . 

A small tip in referencing the organisation can make a standard referencing by giving ( Annual report , 2011, ABCD corporation) ..... (Website ,ABCD corporation) that not the on-line link to their site. This is a very common mistake though corrected by good professors. 

Googly :

Google taught me few lessons about the referencing ....I took some images and accepted that it was from Google (referenced) still Google is not happy... :(  ... so I removed it . 

...and the most important tip never ever copy paste an image in your dissertation from the internet, it will give high plagiarism.... Please draw all the figures ....and don't forget to explain it .....which is very very important otherwise you will unnecessarily lose valuable marks . If you can find an explanation for it do not draw that reality the figures are used to explain the theory not the other way around if the explanation is missing the figures cannot stand alone. 

Another point , give a good source for the figure (the evaluators are not highly intelligent enough to think that you can make such complex figures) ..and provide a very recent reference.