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Monday 19 December 2011

Let us finish off the first chapter…!!


O.K.…… Most of the students start with an abstract for their dissertation… !!!!!!  A habit carried on from doing the assignments. Let me tell you the abstract should be written only when you have finished the whole project. 

The abstract talks about the whole research-it is the summary of the dissertation you are doing , such as introduction, methods used , outcomes and future expectations.

So….. please leave that part for the time being. Let us finish the chapter 1. You must have already received guidelines on doing a dissertation. Still let me give you a bird’s eye view of the overall dissertation.

It consist of 5 chapters;

Chapter 1 :: Introduction.

{…..  Introduction to what it is about , what you are trying to do … and a glimpse of the whole work should be provided here. The risk factor is in maintaining the information given in this chapter. Do not use some other method in research when you have specified one in this chapter. Also given is a brief description of the phenomenon, organisation, a pointer to previous researches ….how you got excited about this particular stuff….}.

Ohhhh….forgot to tell you…all the chapters must have an introduction and conclusion part…even the introduction chapter is having an introduction chapter. So let me give you a descent structure for your first chapter.


Industry profile(optional).

Organisation profile.

Research rational.

Research aim. ( Usually the main heading)

Scope of the research. ( why the hell it should be conducted?...what is the advantage?...I am not asking the organisation is asking  J)

Research objectives.(usually 4 to 5… don’t drag it )

Research hypothesis ( questions) ( make 2 to 3 hypothesis to be on the safer side…remember you have to test it so don’t be adamant about it ).

Research  limitation.


( If I have missed something let me know …or if I remember I will add it later )

The conclusion also provides a glimpse of the next chapter, the literature review.

O.K. let me give all the other main headings….

Chapter I :: introduction.
Chapter II :: Literature review.
Chapter III :: Research methodology.
Chapter IV :: Data analysis.
Chapter V :: Data interpretation ,  recommendations ( please be aware the conclusion comes first recommendations last).

Recently universities are asking for extending the conclusion  section...

So................... create the sixth chapter...

Chapter VI:: Conclusions. 

Now if you have already started your dissertation you may have your doubt about the great referencing.

You are familiar with the following statement I hope…LOL


Whenever I see this I feel like warning signs on army enclosures….’Trespassers will be shot ( no prosecution!!!)’ ……

I will give a detailed chapter on that later ……  I feel that the dissertations are made only to be referenced not to reflect our thinking. We are making those people some sort of legends and you will be able to remember their name better than your friends name. so make friends with them.

Got to go ….. that is it for the time being ….I am expecting more questions….. so that this effort can be more fruitful ….